Will The #PayUp Movement Change Fashion Industry For The Better?
“What exactly is the true cost of fast fashion brands and keeping up with the quickly revising fashion cycle?” Made in Bangladesh The favorite mom jeans you adorn and get most compliments about; have you ever checked the label to see where it has been made? If you do so, you will realize that your closet is probably full of clothes that are made in Bangladesh! The pandemic has exposed the exploitation that has always been at the center of the fashion culture . The biggest paradox witnessed this year, the fast fashion brands who claim solidarity with black square posts and #blacklivesmatter slogan, are the same brands who have long exploited BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), simulated inclusivity, and have profited from cultural appropriation. The pandemic has revealed how the people are facing systematic racism in the fashion culture that the “PayUp” movement is fighting these days. The scenario has brought one thing in the upfront- the fashion culture suppo...